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Up-level your relationships.

The magic is in the middle when you can energetically balance your relationship and evolve it into an empowered partnership. This seminar is for people who want to improve their relationship, as well as for people who are currently not in a relationship but desire to be in one.

What to Expect:

  • Learn how ancestral beliefs at the genetic level affect major relationship themes, such as money, power, competition, career, children, home, family, and finding true love

  • Learn how to truly love yourself and receive love from another while clearing deep-seated genetic beliefs

  • Learn how and when to lead & when to allow yourself to be led

  • Learn how to understand the energetic cues in your relationship & what they really mean so you can shift and balance the energy

  • Energetic meditation for love and the protection of your relationship

  • A deep dive into relationship & relational boundaries

What You'll Get:

3 days of training,

4 hours per day online

Official ThetaHealing book & course manual

1 online group coaching session follow-up

Core Curriculum - The Relationship Classes

Pre-requisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, You & The Creator 

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182 Howard St, 242, 94105
Let there be light and let it exist

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